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How Frequently Should You Service & Spray Your Turf?

Lawn spraying is a great way to protect your yard from unwanted pests, weeds, and diseases as well as provide vital nutrients to help it grow beautifully healthy and lush. When looking to hire a lawn spraying company in Bradenton, it is important to trust that when they say the job will be done – it will be done properly. Quality of your lawn spray is just as important as frequency of your sprays. As with all maintenance and upkeep, spraying your lawn will have the most benefit if continued on a schedule. As your local Sarasota pest control company, we want to take that burden of remembering off your plate. Allow us to help you with a service plan that your lawn and home will certainly be grateful for. 

When it comes to frequency, lawn spraying should be looked at on a case by case basis. This is one of the top reasons why having professionals work on your yard is a great idea. Spraying too often or too little can both be problematic for your lawn. The type of grass, the size of your yard, the current weather and waterings patterns, and any ongoing pest issues will all greatly affect what our service providers will recommend for you specifically. 

Our experts will do a thorough examination of what is currently impacting the health of your grass with a determination of how to move forward. Although many homeowners may be looking for an exact number, this is not a safe way to perform lawn spraying tactics. Diving into your unique circumstance and creating a plan that fits your needs and your budget is what we are here for. 

How frequently should I be spraying my Bradenton lawn?

A common average is every 6-8 weeks, however this could be more or less depending on your particular lawn and any issues you may be facing. Pest control and lawn spraying are not one size fits all, just like they are not permanent solutions. In order to maintain that healthy lawn that you so desire, regular maintenance will be necessary. Staying on top of the spraying, however, will give you peace of mind that no large issues will come lurking without being properly treated. 

At Blue Frog Lawn and Bugs, you can rest assured that we will be honest and direct with you about exactly what your lawn may need, or not need. Customized plans that fit your needs will always be the best solution and the most beneficial for your grass. When it comes to Bradenton lawn spraying, don’t rely on mismatched information. You deserve a treatment plan that values the love and care that you put into your home and wants the best for your lawn and garden. Contact us today for more information or to get a quote!